27 Dec

Practicing spiritual methods – is it dangerous?

Practicing spiritual methods – is it dangerous? If something is dangerous – what is it really?
We had an interesting discussion about danger of practicing different spiritual methods. Very often people are warned about different things to be dangerous to practice. But I don’t usually hear anything like this about the family constellation method. I had this question in my mind a few years ago though. And I asked Vlado Ilic about it. That was just a part of the whole question. I asked, if this is dangerous to be a representative. And he told me, no. Because every time you represent anything or anybody, he told me, you work on your own issues at the same time. Especially if you resonate with someone’s issue, this means you have a similar issue in you. And you simply work through it. In other words, you remove some energy blocks from your body.

And this is a healing process. So, all you need to do, is just relax and wait until your soul and your body resolve the issues.
Now, as an example – practicing kundaliny yoga, is it dangerous? I hear a lot of warnings saying that awakening kundaliny might be a very dangerous thing. Having some family constellation knowledge I came to this conclusion: kundaliny itself is not dangerous. What is actually dangerous? Dangerous are blocks in our bodies that are simply brutally broken when people practice kundaliny. These blocks are being broken by kundaliny without actually properly working on them, without actually recognizing these blocks and accepting them with love. And this is important to understand: if someone has certain blocks – there is an Important Reason for this. For example, sexual power might be blocked because of some sexual trauma in the past of the family. So, for example, there might be such information in the family field: “Sex is dangerous for you. If your sexual energy is strong, you’ll become agressive and you can cause harm to someone.” Now, awakening kundalini easily causes sexual energy to start working properly. And this is an extremely powerful energy. Practicing kundaliny will make a person with such type of block aggressive and dangerous. And this is not kundalini that is dangerous but removing the block this way is actually dangerous.
In the family constellation method facilitators reach the actual roots that cause energy blocks in our bodies. Then gently, with love facilitators let this unblock. And after some time, when your energy can float freely, there is no problem to practice, for example, kundaliny. And instead of becoming dangerous and aggressive or suicidal etc. you might simply find yourself happy and full of energy when practicing kundaliny or other spiritual methods.
And one more thing: I am not saying that family constellations is the only true and right method. You (or your soul) might want to practice anything else. What is very important – to hear your soul, your hart, your intuition and this will help you to find your own unique way that is good exactly for you.