24 Nov

Philosophy of Success

Family Constellations in Toronto (a method by Bert Hellinger)

We are all successful.
The question is, what are we successful at?

I see all people successfully serving something.

Some of us serve this life by serving the now. Whoever serves the now is serving the future, is serving the life. This way we are successful in serving life.
Many of us serve the past. And this takes our energy away from life. Whoever serves the past is also successful, just in serving past. And family constellations show that many of us serve the past, not the life.

How life flows? The old serves the new. And many of us do it the opposite way by using the new to serve the old.

Is this a matter of our choice to serve life or past?
How to begin serving the here and the now, the life?

By dropping our vision of how the past should have happened, by stopping judging the past events. By realizing that our time to act is here and now, not in the past. By taking our mother and our father JUST THE WAY THEY ARE. Becoming a child for them. And then by saying at a certain moment: “Thank you! What I’ve got from you is enough for me, and now I am strong to live my own life my own way.” And then, to live your own life your own way, you, as an adult, agree to carry some guilt. The guilt of living your life the way the life flow is demanding from you at the moment, regardless of what the past was.