27 Dec

Remembering For the Future

We have to _give a look_ into the past in order to get the future.
When we _keep looking_ into the past we lose our future.
The English say “Re-member”.
I find this word very explaining.
When the dead (but not the circumstances) get their places in our souls, they go with us into the future.
There is such a type of memories, that is like an infinite blaming.
In such memories there are always the good ones and the bad ones.
This is to prepare for the next conflict (problem).
This way the dead are not seen with love.
“The Long Way” by Bert Hellinger, Gabrielle ten Hovel

27 Dec


>>Blind Loyalty
What kids are ready to do for their family out of loyalty? Bert Helliger in his books says, that kids are ready to die for their family (for their parents, especially for the mother). Kids are actually ready to die for their right to belong to the family, because otherwise they cannot survive. Out of such deep loyalty kids take on burdens that actually do not belong to them. They might belong to the mother, or father, or to other ancestors.This is what Hellinger calls Blind Love. Then kids become adults. Read More

27 Dec

Everything is in its right place

“Everything is in its right place, and is perfect as it is, it serves something and whenever we judge we lose a connection to this creative force and we become weak… Everyone who passes on judgements are lonely at the end. They lose the connection to the whole world…”

27 Dec

Love, Happiness, Dignity, Energy, Parents

There are “things” that we need from the people around us.
For example, a woman is looking for a man, or a man is looking for a woman. And the world around us (the people around us) is the right place to search for him/her. If a woman is not looking for a man in the people around her, this means the place of a man near her is already taken. How? The same way as usual, either she has (or had) a relationship, or she might be tied to some situations in her family past, or she might be her father’s daughter, so she actually does not need a man. The same applies to the men.
Also there are “things” that we often search in the people around us, but this is not the place where we can find them: Read More

27 Dec

The Source of Help

The source of help is in you. This is your intention that makes positive shifts possible. If you are in love with your problem and prefer to stay with it then nobody can help you. What really matters is your intention. The best facilitator is helpless if you don’t want to work on your problem. I’ve seen Bert Hellinger refusing to work and saying “Does this client want to work? No.” And that is it. No work.
This is the paradox of facilitating: you help without wishing to help. If looking deeper this is all completely OK because this is client’s intention that initiates the whole help. And facilitator has nothing to do with this, he is not involved. He just joins the movement that happens after.