27 Dec


-Mother. Our happiness depends on how we accept our mother.
-Courage. To be happy or in grief we need a lot of courage. This is much easier to be depressed than happy or in grief. When depressed we do not exchange with the world and we have no happiness to lose, no pain to suffer from. Easy, but we do not live our life this way.
Why do we need a lot of courage to be fully happy? Read More

26 Dec

Illnesses. Why do we work on our health but still cannot get cured? Healing the roots of the illnesses.

So, why do we work on our health problems and yet cannot get cured having chronic illnesses through our entire life? And why do the symptoms improve for some time only, remain the same, relocate or get worse? Because such situations naturally happen when working directly on this hurting parts of us, on our body, which seems obvious. But acting this way we do not often touch the root of the problem. Read More

25 Dec

I love you, my Ego!

This topic is just an illustration. An illustration of what we all naturally tend to do but by doing this we harm ourselves. We naturally deny anything in us, what we do not like. We want to get rid of anything that causes us discomfort. And Ego is an easy example of this. When people say “this is all my Ego” there is always something negative about it. In other words, people simply blame part of themselves (and Ego is part of every person). As Vlado Ilic, a Serbian facilitator, always says, by denying parts of ourselves we simply turn into a some kind of leopard, because every time we deny part of us, we get another dark spot in our body. This is very important to understand: by denying anything (or having bad attitude towards anything in us) we just get another health problem (or life problem).

So, what to do?

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25 Dec

Depression. A deep true love behind it.

I often hear questions about depression: Do you ever get depressed? Does it happen to you that you do not want anything? How do you fight it?

At first – this is our most natural reaction to resist, fight or try to get rid of anything unpleasant in ourselves. A lesson learned from the family constellations work: resisting, refusing, fighting, trying to push away does not work. This is our natural reaction and we lose this way. Because the cause is much more powerful than us. It is endlessly powerful. So, fighting and resisting is a perfect way to get ill.
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